Friday, February 19, 2010

looks like SGN-35 isnt going to be our cure

i was so excited earlier this week. i was going scan marcels treatment shcedule and post it.....unfortunatly last night we receieved a call from one of the doctors  (from Dr. Advanis team). he told Marcel that he couldnt do the SGN-35 because he was still taking immunosupressants. he's currently on 200 mg a day..but is only allowed to taped 25 mg a week..and maybe not all the way or else he could get severe graft vs host(that means that his cells and his donors cells will have a war inside of Marcels body).
so where are we at? we have no idea.
all we know for sure is that Marcel has a another scan scheduled for March 1st.
i'm really depressed...and trying to not let my husband see what a basket case i've become....but its hard.  his symptoms are exhausting him...and he has so much pain in his chest.
im just praying for a miracle.


HijabRockers said...

U're a good person. There will be miracles for u. Ameen.

danaceau said...

Angie, sorry to hear you two are having a rough time of it. Hoping for the best for your Marcel.

Angie Nader said...

were praying for a miracle :)

hopefuly we will pass this rough time...

Wafa said...

who knows angie, maybe something good coming out of this announcement. just keep hoping and praying :)

elaine said...

Hi, I am new here, and very interested in talking to others going through what my daughter is going through, she was diagnosed with HL Feb 2008, she went through chemo then radiation and we thought she was through, then thyroid cancer and as she was healing from that, we find out HL returned with avengance, she had a 4 inch mass that collapsed one lung, and many cancer spots throughout her chest and abdomen..shes being taking so many different chemos, l have lost track, shes also had a self stem cell transplant which did not work either. When she completed an extremely hard chemo a month ago then got scanned and it didn't touch the cancer, she was told she was chemo immune and told her only chance was a trial, SGN-35 was already closed but my son in law wrote to the two hospitals and the drug company and within one day, Stanford was very interested in my 29 year old daughters file. They were able to talk the drug company to let her try this drug and Stanford was so helpful with getting the FDA to approve my daughter so quickly. Yesterday my daughter was released out of one hospitel(she was there for pain management) and they drove to Stanford for blood work and right now she is having her first SGN-35 treatment, we are all saying this is the miracle we have been waiting for. Its her time to heal! I would love to hear from anyone going through this or family members, help me understand what she will face etc. I live in Toronto Canada and my daughter is married and lives in san Francisco.
Thanks for reading