Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My sleep walking friend

I spent 15 years of my life as a boy scout.... every year we go camping at least 3 times a year 3 days in Xmas vacation 3 days in Easter's one and 12 to 15 days in summer...
so this is my 4Th year in scouts and here come the exciting summer camp... we had these new kids new recruits first time camping... so they put this new kid in my team ... I was sleeping and out of no where this new kid step on me and kept going so I yell at him where you going? he says "I am going with my dad to the market" at first i thought he was being silly he probably need to go pee or he need some water or something... but i seen him standing in front of the tent door I asked him : "are you ok?" he was like yeah "I am waiting for my dad to come pick me up" I was in complete shock because i realised that the kid is so damn serious about it .... I got up and run around 300 feet to the next tent where his older brother is ... I got there out of breath and woke up everyone sleeping in that tent i was like maaaaan you brother is crazy or is he on pills or some shit? he said no why ? looking at me like i am crazy ... i start screaming " he is freakin waiting for your dad to come pick him up to go to the damn market in middle of no where" he start laughing he said his brother sleep walk every night he have some disease in his eyes so he were a really thick glasses poor kid...I was like he is not gonna kill us one night right? hehehe everyone laughed... so i went back and told the kid to go wait inside the tent before he get hit by a bus or a car passing by loool.... That may sound mean but it is hella funny...Another night I woke up around 2:30 am and found him sitting in the corner of the tent his legs are crossed raped with his arm shaking and staring , I asked are you ok? he said "no, I lost my glasses and I am blind as a Bat without them... I start laughing he said why you laughing ... I asked " can you see me?" he said yeah ... I told him his glasses are on his face.....he start thanking me calling me a hero ....Another funny story we woke up one night hearing screams for help we looked around that kid is missing... and he was yelling down far in the Forrest for help... it took us 35 minutes to find him because he shut up for 10 minutes and then start yelling again so we kept loosing the sound to track him. Finlay we found him bare feet ....how on earth could a human being walk on rocks and broken branches shoeless? we made walk all the way back hehehe .... The next day he have no idea so it was ok to have fun because what he doesn't know will not hurt him hehehehe......

PS: I used the word kid a lot not to be mean or disrespectful i just thought he might not like me using his real name

I only had one incident were I slept walk. I was around 7 or 8 years old i woke up in the morning walked to the living room , everyone is having there morning coffee then out of no where grand pa see me and start cursing up and down the man was firing at me from god's towers sun of bing sun of bong sun of bang...... I thought the man is crazy or lost his mind.... It turned out that at night I sleep walked to the kitchen grabbed a bucket of plumbs have around 15 in it then walked to my grand pa's bedroom and started to throw the plumbs at him while he was sleeping, when the bucket was empty i walked back to kitchen and put the empty bucket in fridge and went back to bed.... how crazy is that story i did not believe what they told me till i went to grand pa's room and seen all the plumbs splashed everywhere... Grand pa did not allow anyone to clean it he said it's my mess I clean it so i spent my Saturday cleaning and scrubbing grandpa's room.



Anonymous said...

I've heard this story. Or at least the story from the kid's point. Was his father in charge of the Boyscouts at the time? was this in the 60's /70's?

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